tips & cheats

1. general tips

there are 6 zones with 2 acts (12 zones when locked on to conic & leo)

there are 3 shields, conic can use all of them while kinalink can use 1 because he flies

2. underwater levels

they could be hard because you will drown when theres no air left, to get more air, find this bubble

now wait for a big bubble to appear, if it appears, catch it

cheats (conic 3 standalone)

1. level select

To do it, start the game and when the background is black, press UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP, UP, UP on the d-pad, you need to do it quick before the screen goes white, when you hear a ring sound, you did it correctly, now press up on the title screen and theres the sound test, press start and you'll go there!

game genie: D3AT-AR2E

2. debug mode

while the level select is activated, go to the save select or level select and hold A + START until the title card ends, while in debug mode, press B to enter it, A to switch objects, C to place it

when the game is paused, press A to go back to the title screen, press B to play in slow-mo mode, press C for the next frame

when playing as each character, pressing B + C gives you all frames of them

cheats (conic 3 & leo)

1. level select

go to angel island Zone , while on a vine press LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT RIGHT, UP, UP, UP

if it has been entered correctly, you hear a chime, press START then A to return to the title screen, at the title screen, scroll down to sound test and press start

2. debug mode

first, do the level slect code above and go to mushroom hill, while on a pulley system, enter the same code you entered in angel island. You should hear a chime again, press START then A to return to the title screen, at the title screen again, go to the save select or level select and hold A + START untill the title card ends and you see numbers and letters in the top left corner

cheats (conic & leo)

1. level select

while in mushroom hill zone, jump on to the pulley system, then press LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, UP, UP, when you hear a chime, press START then A to return to the title screen, press A + START to go to the Level Select screen

game genie: RFLA-A6W4

2. debug mode

theres no way to manually activate it, so use this code below, the controls are the same as conic 3's, only one new feature was added in normal mode, pressing the A button reverses the gravity

game genie: RFTT-A6XW